SL Fashion for the Rest of Us

Friday, April 2, 2010

Musically Inclined

I'm a total music nerd in real life. Everything from listening to swedish black metal on my ipod, transposing Beethoven from cello to clarinet so I can have a personal woodwind jam session, going to Breaking Benjamin concerts with my friends, or dragging my dad along to see ZZ is a huge part of my life. I'm rarely without something that produces music, so I was totally thrilled about this outfit, which just screams "music lover" to me.

I've also done a lot of reworking on my avatar. She's much smaller, much more realistic (at least I think so), and finally looks my age. Instead of having a mature-faced 35 year old-looking avie, I can finally be fresh-faced and 21 ^.^

The important stuff:
Skin: Atomic Baily in Cream vintage 2
Hair (and hood): Fri. Tabs in happy blond
Shirt: Luck Inc tankdress in white
Sweatshirt: Atomic everyday hoodie in black
Skirt: Cynful mini denim skirt in light blue
Shoes: League shin boots
Belt: Atomic music belt in black (my new fav accessory ^.^)
Other accessories: bracelets by LouLou&Co and Naith Smit, wings by Boom, piercings by Urbanity


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